In the fast-paced world of nightclub and dayclub events, delayed promotions can lead to missed opportunities and revenue losses. When an event is booked, it's crucial to create promotional materials swiftly. UNCAGED recognized the importance of efficiency in this process and set out to optimize it.
UNCAGED has revolutionized the way event flyers are created and resized, thanks to Adobe Photoshop's Artboards, introduced in 2015. Here's a breakdown of their workflow:
One Massive File with Artboards: UNCAGED starts with a single comprehensive Photoshop file containing up to 100 artboards. Each artboard represents a different version of the event flyer, tailored for various platforms and sizes.
Smart Objects for Dynamic Content: Key elements that often change, such as the event date, DJ name, and DJ image, are turned into smart objects. This allows for quick updates while ensuring consistency across all versions.
Master Layout as the Foundation: UNCAGED establishes a master layout that serves as the template for all artboards. This layout defines design and branding guidelines, maintaining a uniform appearance.
Effortless Updates: When a new event flyer is needed, the team simply updates the three smart objects with the relevant information—event date, DJ name, and DJ image.
Automated Export: After updating the smart objects, UNCAGED can efficiently export each artboard. This automation means the entire suite of event flyers, optimized for different sizes and platforms, is ready within minutes.
UNCAGED's innovative approach dramatically reduces the time and effort required for event flyer resizing. What used to be a labor-intensive process is now a streamlined and precise workflow. This newfound efficiency not only benefits UNCAGED but also their clients.
UNCAGED's tagline/slogan, "Organize. Simplify. Innovate.," perfectly describes their project approach. They first organize by gaining a comprehensive overview of all project elements. Then they simplify workflows, making them more efficient and productive. Finally, they inject innovation into the execution, constantly pushing the boundaries of design and technology.
In the world of nightclub and dayclub events, swift promotional efforts are critical. UNCAGED's use of artboards and smart objects enables them to create a comprehensive suite of event collateral within seconds, not days. This agility maximizes revenue potential for their clients by ensuring timely promotions across various channels, from online banners and social media to ticketing and on-property signage.
In conclusion, UNCAGED's innovative use of Adobe Photoshop's Artboards, introduced in 2015, and smart objects showcases their commitment to efficient, organized, and innovative design practices. By simplifying and optimizing the process of resizing event flyers, they've not only saved valuable time and resources but have also highlighted the power of innovation in the digital design landscape.